The Herald from Rock Hill, South Carolina (2024)

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Rock Hill, South Carolina

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5 T1IK 1 1 Ml A 1 1) K(m llill Wrrinfsriiy June 16 1943 Marriage Licenses Listed The Woman's Page wkmen'a arUvItlea muni be reported by II rbm II How Canada Solves Pawns in Dempsey Divorce Trial LIST GIVEN FOR PASTWEEK Ration Calendar ston avenur In Charlotte where she held a position with the Southern Bell Telephone company She was graduated from Indian Land high school In Lancaster county where she was popular with thr younger set Mr Wilson Is the son of Mr and Mrs Leroy Bunks Wilson of Fort Mill He was graduated from Indbtn Land high school and since entering the Navy he has been engaged in over seas duty He Is buck In Washington at present where he Is taking an extended course hi elecli telly Calendar Of Events Friday 1:30 Auxiliary to the at the home of Mrs Helms Red Cross Bandages Dally qwta Taesday total Hhort 1844 1155 609 BLACKWELDER-WILKON Wedding solemnized MIh Sarah Ellen Blarkwcldrr of Fort Mill and Charlotte and Leroy Banka Wilson Jr 2-c Fort Mill and Washington exchanged marriage vows In a simple but charming ceremony In Pleasant Hill Methodist church near Fort Mill Sunday morning June 6 at 10 o'clock The Rev A Baker officiated using the ring service The vows were spoken before an altar of ferns with arrangements of pink and white flowers Miss Lavlnla 8tephenson pianist and Mrs Elms soloist rendered the nuptial music The bride wore a street length two-piece suit of salute blue gabardine with white accessories Her corsage was pink roses and swan-sotila The bride and bridegroom enter-fed the church together and she was given In marriage by her father The brides mother wore a heavenly blue dress with navy accessories and a shoulder bouquet of pink and white sweet peas The bridegroom's mother wore navy blue with navy and while accessories and a corsage of pink and while sweetpeas After the wedding Mr and Mrs Wilson returned to Washington where he will resume his training at I school and Mrs Wilson will resume her work at 8outhem Bell Telephone company where she was transferred from Charlotte 1 Mrs Wilson is the attractive daughter of Mr and Mrs Blackwelder of Fort Mill She has been making her home at 500 King SUGAR Stamp No 13 good for five pounds through Aug 13 Stamps 15 and 16 valid for 6 pounds each wad for ranning Additional sugar for vanning may be secured at ration alHre on Wednesdays CD! Stamp No 34 good for one pound through June 36 Fl'FL Oil Tan pan marked period 5 valid for 16 gallons until Sept S6L Coupon No I la A hooka good for three gallons through July 31 Value ef und eoupona set at three gallons raeh T-l and T-8 eoupona good lor five gallons raeh and coupon hook holders should secure renewal blanks at authorised tire Inspection stations Fill nut and mall together with up-to-date tire Inspection record to local ration board within 36 days before old book expires Coupon No 16 good for one pair ef shoes PROCESSED Blue eon pons good May 34-Jnly 1 MEATS Red atamps now good through June 30 Reek Hill rationing offtco open daily Saturday day furlough with his parents at their heme on Cauthen street Miss Betty Hilda Proctor daughter of Mr and Mrs Praetor Is spendng two weeks In Clio with her grandparents Mr and Mrs McCormick Mr and Mrs Buford Worthy and daughter Dotsy and Jane who have been visiting relatives In the city left yesterday for their home In Washington where Mr Worthy Is an Industrial specialist with the government division of the War Production Board Thry were accompanied home by Tommy Poole and Betty Oghtirn of this city Mrs Huey of Chestnut St left last night for Wilmington i to visit her husband who Is em Sei'ious-fiiccd Lieut -Comdr Jack Dempsey attends church Hi White Plains with his daughters Joan 6 and Hnrbiiru A whose custody is major issue in the former prize lighter's divorce trial MEKDAMKS rWKLI Kfa*gIK FETE CONCORDANT CIl'B Mrs Powell and Mrs 8 Seaglc were hostesses yesterday afternoon to the members of the Concordant club at the home of Mrs Powell on North avenue Bright summer flowers adorned Iho attractive rooms whrrc forty-two was played High score for the afternoon was won by Mrs Williams a At the conclusion of the game punch sandwiches and cookies were served Mrs A Coley was a guest of tire club PRETTY PARTY HELD FOR RECENT BRIDE Miss Della Atkinson and her sister Mrs Baumll entertained recently at a pretty miscellaneous shower In honor of Mrs Reid Jr a recent bride The parly was held at the community hall at Richburg A musical program was given by Mrs Drlla A Whitesides Mrs Campbell Miss Virginia Simpson and Miss Essie Todd Bolcman A recitation by Miss Mary Frances Reid was also enjoyed Delicious refreshments were served after which the bride was presented a shower of lovely gifts PERSONALS Cpl William Mahaffey son of Mr and Mrs Fred Mahaffey has returned to his base at Cherry Point after spending a seven To meet threat nf eiml shortage Canada Ima released nil former miners In the armed fnreea fur a ihree-nionih "coal to weak Hit! luliiminoii'i pita Here McDonald gets Ilia re-Icduc from the Cmmdiim army then swings to work with pick in Nova Setdia mine READ THE CLASSIFIED ADS FATHERS DAY GIFTS i I ft 4 the Mine Problem T-l! Own! I'or Hix Summer "I Ime-Ofl" PAJAMAS New atripmgs in smart styles 198 full cut ter romlnrl line Tnwnrrnfl Gift Handkerchiefs Seven York County Couples Get Permits At County Scat List of seven York comily iimr-rlHge Ill-ease tailed from the onice ol Probate Judge Grltv Nmui Ihc ast week a ns unnoiinml today as follows Clyde Smith llurgctl Foil Mill and Kloiilile Jnjrr Secret I Monroe Hurry PhitoII rimer Hint Dorothy NoU'ii GiisUmlu Doyri II Hosier Smyrna ami Edna McDaniel lilufkslmrg Andrew Anderson t'lmrlolte IV and flrrmilc fisilier limk llill Walter David Muss Hickory Grove and Nrllc Thonmscoii Clover Isirralue CTotliub Clover and Fannie Sluu Yolk Carl Hurt'h Siienei-r IV and Ellnwse Moon Clover said Mr Gurvln To praxrly distribute the Insignia all ordera must be approved by Urn county extension agent The price of the Insignia Is very miuiII Boys nnri girls are naked to place their orders through the county and liqinc agents' office In Itix-k Hill or York Father's Day June 20th Whether on the Home Front or ihc Battle Front he's fighting for He asks litilc-bui he'll appreciate more than you'll even know the thoughtful gifts you select for him MAIMER DISTINCTION DErENIlH ON a Aristocratic Pattern' a Perfection Of Style! a Pm bdon Of I'll! Duality Fabrics! And You Get All FOI'K With "Topflight" Fino SHIRTS Crisp white mot-looking fabrics In fine smooth wchvps all perfectly nixed and Sanforised In slay In fill New fabric tixil NiiCrall wlllprauf collars ton In keep their Immaculate smooth-ness sll day through I MEN'S M'MMEK TIES Oav rummer rninrs lo warm up your sum- nn mrr nut fit! SOG Cool Ventilated Solar STRAWS 198 I C'omplete III Outfit! SLACK SOCKS Models to "go" with all his Uigsl Rayons qp pr cottons A ployed at the Camp Davis jtosl exchange at lllltnii King of Amlrrson arrived Monday Tor a visll witli Ills sister Mrs flotiert Wade Smith of Spruce street Mr and Mrs John Williams are exiieeling to arrive as guests tomorrow their son David A Williams who lias Just completed his training at the naval training srhnnl at nninhrldge Mil and another son Williams of Camp Ioo Va and Mrs Williams of Greenville Expected for the weekend are their daughters Miss Margaret Williams or Columbia and Miss Catherine Williams of Charlotte 1 Miss Alice Hollis or Cheraw Is visiting Miss Irene Barron ul the home of her parents Mr mid Mrs I Barron on Oakland avenue Miss Dorothy Berry daughter nf Mr and Mrs 8 Berry of York route 4 leturiied home yesterday after visiting LI Hoterl 8 Berry In Ww Angeles Cal and Sgt William Berry In Han Angelo Tex and relatives In Austin Tex 0 9 Mrs Lyles Glenn Sr nf Chester Is sending the summer with hrr daughter Mrs Kate Olrini Hardin who Is making hrr home at 322 Stewart avenue for the siun-mrr Mrs Hardin's daughter Miss Kate Glenn Hardin of Iho Clrrrn-wnnd faculty Is ahn siieiulliig the Miiiutirr with hrr mother 9 Mr and Mrs Cs tilt-art and children sient the werkend In Greer with Mrs Cat heart's parents Mr and Mrs Horace Klin brrll Julia Ami and Gene Cathcart remained to spend the summer with their llnlihy Janet Llgon or Hpludale Is visiting In the home of her sunt Mrs Steele or Trade street 9 Mr and Mrs John Adams nf Mt Holly had ss guests yesterday Bgt Clayton Adams and Mrs Adams nf Camp Bulncr Julian and Joe Adam of Augusta Oa and Mrs 8 Carter and sons of Rock Hill Mrs Harold Elliott left tills morning for IJneolu Neb to Join her husband Ffc Elliott Mrs Elliott has been making hrr home at 220 Hutchison street Mrs Boyce Elliott of 531 Aiken sventie left recently for Biloxi Miss to Join her husband Pfc El-Holt who Is stationed at Kresler field 9 Mrs Garner returned to her home on 114 Moore street this morning after a visit with her hus-haiiri Pfc Garner at Fort Devens Mass She was accompanied home by Pte Garner wlm will spend a furlough In the city 9 Mrs Peter McK Williams nf Fayetteville arrived yesterday for a visit with her parent Mr and Mrs Murchison of Main street Mrs Williams Is the former Miss Ruth Murchison Mrs Feenuter of route 3 had aa overnight guests Inst night hrr sister Mrs Hamid Richardson and little daughter Norma of lam-caster route 3 Returning home with them today was Mrs Wolfe who has been visiting In the Frem-sler home Mrs Wolfe Is the grandmother nf Mrs Fremsfrr and Mrs Richardson Utile Norma Richardson underwent a tonslllrrtomy yesterday In Rork Hill Mrs Fay McDonald matron of Wlnthrop college visited hrr family In Chestrr during the weekend NURSES OFTEN USE I10R0LINE i Remember DAD On Sunday June 20 Grand Ta Ta Ii-'intiaH Williams Dempsey wmm many nvfds wo caught In a happy moment be-tiviTn divorce trial sessions at While Plains supremo court INSIGNIA READY FOR FARM YOUIH Assistant Farm Agent Explains How Rcc ognition Given A victory Insignia Is ready for the boy nr girt who is making an lin-ixirlant warllm rcontrllnitlnii to Uie war effort in producing mod and fend stuff Assistant Farm Agent Oarviu announced today Hie United Btalca Department of Agriculture ia sixmanrlng Uie VFV (Victory Farm Volunlmi which la the ynuUi branch of the 8 Crap Corjis commonly known as the Farm Labor Program lie said The official emblem that Is being offered for sale by the National Committee will be of fast rnior Swiss embroidered material that la wash able and very acrvlceahlr It Is to be worn only by boys nr gil ls 14 years nf ngc nr over who nrn taking an active part in the Victor Farm Volunteer movement The Victory Farm Volunteers will have an official insignia to wear Instead of a uhlfnrm Hie insignia may be worn on Uie shirt or dress over Uie heart on Uie sleeve or on the hat The official insignia Is three Inches In diameter and combines a red cogwheel letter with a blue ern ter the letters VFV being In while on the blue renter Patriotically de signed and colored the cogwheeled denotes Corps meaning a division of tlic Crap Corps and si anils for action and work youth nf our country can make an Important contribution through the VFV and It la appropriate Uiat a symbol of imlriutic ef fort has been created for them" If You Suffer 'PERIODIC' Which Makes You Week Cranky If at aurh times you Ilk msnv women and atria suffer from rrsmps headanhea harkactie distress nf "irregularities" perlmia of the due to functional monthly disturbances Btart at one try Lydia Vegetable Compound This famous liquid not bnly helps relieve monthly pain but also accompanying tired weak nenroua feeling of this nature This I bersnse nf Its soothing effect on ONE OF WOMAN'S MOOT IMPORTANT OROANH Towncraft dc Luxe SHIRTS 198 Woven of splendid broad cloth and inndniN pro- IKirltoiintety fitted for all over perfiYllon Hniifnr-Iml tor jx-rmnnent fit While Tawncraft Gift Nhlris 181 Men's Summer Nrekwear Summer tl dCQ up Pajamas Shirts and 3 C- up Shorts IS Neckwear up Summer Socks UP Slimmer Belts up Slack Suits up Sport Shirts ygup 9SL Ilandkerciiicfs 15c up I SSL $148 Money Belts Qgg up Sewing Kits Khaki ocr Handkerchiefs Military Socks Summer Hats 98c up $2-48 STORE Itock Hill Sport Shirts SI 85 98c 49c Give Him Things He'd Buy lor Mirmcll! Thrift Value In I Fur Slrrptni Comfort! Shirts fir Shorts Hfrtprd cotton lhlvd shirts hrlrfH Men's HinHrl BILLFOLDS alinrlH Hwlsa 39c EFIRD 116-18 EAST DEPT MAIN ST Petroleum Jelly UJwBABIES'DIAPIR RASH I Mw lkH fey thewM For MINOR CUTSBURNSBRUISE51 a missis -in euasiaw mm Tsken regularly Lydia Plnkham'l Compound lul hiillil tip rrlrtnnm against such symptoms Thousands upon thousands report benent Also a One stomachic tonic Follow label dlrto Uouu Worn tryingl.

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The Herald from Rock Hill, South Carolina (2024)


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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Views: 5829

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (62 voted)

Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.