Ripple Effect - Chapter 9 - Islenthatur (2025)

Chapter Text

Years had passed since Momora had reported what had happened on Dawn Island, with how Luffy had unlocked his haki at such a young age, so strong that it caused him to completely knock out the entire population.

Shanks had nearly had a heart attack at the news, calming down by Erio stating he was permanently moving to Dawn, as well as Buggy proclaiming he'd be making constant visits too, Garp be damned to make sure his nephew was taught self defence. Thankfully Dragon had taken the blame for it, the one good thing he could have done for his son. It enraged both Erio and Momora that he was on the island but refused to see his son.

What shocked everyone though was finding out that Roger’s son had survived, that Garp had taken him and brought him to Dawn. It enraged the entirety of those left of the Roger Pirates and drove Rayleigh towards Dawn with Gaban and Sunbell in tow.

The meeting didn't go well, but they persisted. Of course it was Luffy who had convinced his big brother to listen, to actually hear them out because he was indeed loved. That his dad wasn't a demon, that he should never believe the lies of the government. It shocked Ace to hear that from his baby brother that he abided by it, still thinking that it was bullshit when they kept constantly comparing Roger and Luffy together. Many of them laughed when old Newgate adopted the brat, they saw it coming, especially when Ace was adamant that he was going to try and fight the old man.

Rayleigh didn’t say a word, but many could see the pain in his eyes when Gaban managed to make a visit and start a call up so they could speak with Newgate and Ace, hearing the Firecracker refer to him as Pops. Ace was so much like his mother, causing havoc in pranks across the Grand Line but many knew the true storm was coming, which led them to here.

“So, I take it there is news if you are calling a meeting, Blue.” Don hummed as he leant back in his chair, biting his pipe.

The better question is what happened to his face!?’ Yui asked, eyes glancing to the screen that held Rayleigh’s tense form.

Shanks leant forward a frown on his face. ‘ Are you okay, Blue?’

Buggy looked bruised and ruffled, like he had gone through the wringer. ‘ No! That brat of yours beat the ever loving hell out of me. I'm proud, so very proud, but he fought dirty and kicked me in the jewels, Red!’

‘Didn’t you teach him to aim for all the weak spots?’ Shanks questioned with a tilt of his head. ‘ Including the family jewels?’

‘Not the point! ’ Buggy half shrieked. ‘He wasn’t supposed to use them on me!’

Mugren laughed loudly from behind his brother, leaning down to squint at his nephew. “Now Blue, ye ‘ad worse.”

‘No , you can’t say anything till you meet the brat!’ Blue hissed as he grabbed another ice pack and placed it against his head. ‘ Though I have to be thankful he didn’t use his Haki, said it was cheating till he got to the Grand Line. Careful Crocus, you’ll be seeing him soon.’

Shanks had muffled his laughter, eyes dancing in a way that everyone hadn’t seen since he was a kid. Don knew it took a lot of time and patience to get Red to even join these calls, but had only started doing so with a little blackmail from a cute kid. Getting to know their Red again was amazing, getting tales about his adopted brat that was somehow their captain made over? That was even better.

Nearly a month went by before another request for a call went up and to no one’s surprise it was Crocus making the request. Knowing it meant that the old doctor had likely met Luffy it was significantly easier to convince Shanks to join in on the call. That however didn’t make it any less shocking as the screens came online to find a Crocus that somehow looked like he’d found the answers to the universe and aged fifteen years at the same time.

Red, I say this with all the love in the world,’ Crocus began with a world weary sigh, ‘ but what the fuck is wrong with your kid?!’

Shanks leant forward with offence while everyone else leant back and waited for what was to come. ‘ What happened?’

‘Your son came roaring over reverse mountain with only four members and decided to take offence with Laboon.’ Crocus stressed, causing many of the older Roger Pirates to straighten.

There is a law to the sea that many ignore but learn, that being you do not mess with the whale that lived in Twin Cape Cove. To do so would land you being dragged down to Davy Jones’ locker post haste. The Roger Pirates though knew why, why this Island Whale was treasured so, why Crocus loved it beyond words. It hurt their brother when they found no trace of the Rumbar Pirates but tales, it was slowly killing the old man with each passing year and Laboon grew sadder and sadder.

“Is Laboon well?” Don asked, eyeing his brother who had snapped the small carving in his hand.

Crocus laughed, wild and free. ‘He is! He’s happier, no longer running into the cliff or crying. Luffy had fought him, had promised him and claimed him as Nakama. He has a new reason for waiting now and somehow I believe this one will be kept. Not only that but he helped me fight off those pesky poachers and yet somehow managed to get them to back off by promising a lift back to their island!’

‘Dahahaha, that's my Anchor!’ Shanks laughed, head thrown back in his glee. ‘ You hear that, love?

‘I heard it, dear.’ A masculine voice only a few of them could recognize sounded from the background. ‘ Now let your uncle finish his story time about his first experience with the Luffy Effect.’

Buggy snorted at Beckman’s amused tone. ‘ Honestly I don’t even know why Crocus and everyone is surprised, some of you have met Luffy, he managed to get East Blues most notorious bounty Hunter as his First Mate.’

Erio laughed at that. ‘Not only that, but he managed to nab Red-Leg’s son as his chef.’

‘May the seas take pity,’ Momora uttered. ‘ That brat can eat .’

Don frowned a little, his eyes turning to Crocus once more. “ You said that he had come over Reverse Mountain with only four crew members? What did they sail over on?

The smile on Crocus’s face turned solemn. ‘It was a caravel, well loved but it won’t take them far in the Grand Line.’

“Well then we better make sure that we’re ready when they get here. All end up here for a new ship.” Don rumbled tiredly. “Though Galley-La has an infestation of CP agents and Cutty is… He hasn’t made a ship since Tom. They would be the only two I would trust helping us build a boat for our nephew.”

“Don't worry, ‘em CP agents don't even know who we are.” Mugren chuckled as he saw many of his brothers frown with worry.

With that the conversation shifted once more but neither man minded. It was a good laugh to have their family offer suggestions to what Luffy would like on his ship. No one could agree on anything besides that the Kitchen needed to be large enough to fit a crowd.

“You lied to them.” Donquino stated once the screens cut off.

“I ‘ad ta. Ye know what they're like.” Mugren replied with a tired sigh. “But the CP agents don't care ‘bout us.”

Donquino hummed but nodded, it was true, they had been leaving them well enough alone but he thinks that's probably because unless ordered otherwise, no one wanted the fight that would entail.

It wasn’t much longer after the call that Mugren answered the call from Momora in the dead of night, his brother laughing maniacally that had all of the Roger Pirates on edge and cutting off the expletives. Not only that, he was still in his transformation form, something he rarely did with them.

Red! Red! You should be so proud, that brat of yours figured out how to counter a parmacia without haki! Little Red took down a warlord and managed to get the full support of Alabasta under him!’ Momora crowed just as maniacal as ever. ‘His bounty is now 110,000,00 berri! I sent you all the posters!’

‘Wait, you telling me that Anchor took out Coyote without his haki? How!?’ Shanks asked astounded, eyes wide.

Well, this is not the part you're going to like. Croc pierced and poisoned Little Red, he's fine now, but blood acts the same as water. But, that's not all, I've got reports that he has acquired Nico Robin on his crew.’ Momora finished with a wide grin, feathers melting away to skin, beak into a toothy smile.

Is he okay!? ” Shanks snarled, the happy bewildered smile morphing into something dark, something only Scopper had seen, his screen shook and flickered with the force of his haki.

He's fine, Nico Robin got the antidote to him within minutes of him actually being poisoned.’ Momora soothed immediately. ‘ I spoke with him myself, plus, the kid managed to get that She-Beast Crocus calls a friend on Drum’s protege. Plus, Ace and Sabo even reassured that he was fine.’

‘Good, but Crocodile better hope he and I don’t cross paths for a while.’ Shanks grumbled back, Benn instantly echoing the statement.

“I doubt ye will anyway Red.” Mugren chuckled as he reread over the Coo. “He’s going to Impel Down.”

The men all grimaced at that news. No one wanted to see anyone that wasn’t the scum of the earth locked up in impel down. Crocodile for all that he grew to be a right asshole was still a brat they had all watched grow up on the Moby Dick and they had all cheered and raised a glass when he managed to get the hell away from his father’s disgustingly sexist views and become his true self.

‘Calypso be with him.’ Enrio muttered. ‘ Brat’s gonna need it.’

‘Especially if Bullet finds out.’ Chuckled Moon. ‘ Calypso knows how the kid already wormed his way into that brutes heart… the man finds Impel Down thrilling.

By the time the next call rolled around another month had nearly come to pass. Only this time it was JB filling the screen looking like he’d aged another thirty years. Shanks knew then that this was another Luffy update because that look was very specific to seeing his little monster in action and he couldn’t wait to hear what his brat had been up to.

Red, the fuck did you feed that kid???’ JB asked in a tired huff.

Bwahaha, he mostly kept himself fed on tiger and boar if I remember right.’ Shanks said with a proud laugh. ‘ What’d Anchor do this time?’

What came next was some grumbling that sounded very much like some curses aimed at the feral nature of those with Monkey D genetics. Shanks wasn’t surprised in the least seeing as he and Beck both had done the same once they finally heard Luffy’s last name. It led to a rule that he had to introduce himself properly when asked just so that people could have some form of warning for the hell they were about to encounter. Though what caught everyone's attention the most was the fact that JB had then proceeded to compare Luffy to Beck instead of Red.

‘Wait… don’t tell me…’ Shanks trailed off as he turned his gaze up to Beckman who was trying to smother his smirk.

‘That kid of yours Beckman utterly destroyed Mock Town’s foundations.’ JB groaned out, burying his face into his hands. ‘ I had to go and find out the story, the local gang here run by Joker decided to beat that boy of yours and his first mate, though Little Red didn’t fight back… Not till later, not till that idiot Bellamy attacked Cricket…’

Gaban straightened at that, his eyes dark. ‘Is Cricket well?’

‘He’s fine, Little Red’s doctor healed him. Can’t say the same for Bellamy though… Never seen a Rookie take out Bellamy while he used his Fruit before with a single punch, didn’t even use Haki.’ JB explained as he turned his gaze back to Shanks and Beckman. ‘ That look in his eyes though… that was all you Beckman.’

Erio shuddered. ‘ I’ve seen that glare from the kid, no thanks. If it’s like Makino’s…’

“So I take it the kid is on his way to Skypiea then?” Donquino asked inquisitively, his eyes flickered over to the calendar that he kept specifically for the calls and estimations of his great nephews journey. Already the kid has practically blown through half of Paradise in such a short time, has already toppled governments and brought back old friends.

JB went quiet, gaze avoiding the screens that had everyone on edge again. ‘ He did wish to see Skypiea thanks to Cricket… His crew is just as crazy as him…’

“So which path did you lead the kid to?” Mugren asked slowly, eyes narrowing when he saw the shifty way his brother was being. “Tell me you didn’... The Knock Up stream, seriously?”

Of course Little Red went up the knock up stream.’ Momora groaned, feathers sprouting in his distress.

Shanks paled and looked a little queasy. ‘That’s the most dangerous route! Why didn’t you stop him?’

“Have you even met your kid Red? I’d like for you to stare into those eyes and tell him no .’ JB snapped back exasperated but noting several of his brothers agreeing with his statement. ‘ His Navigator is on par with Ganryu and Sunbell in the fact she can read and predict the currents and weather. They got up there just fine… may Calypso have mercy on Yamon.’

Don chuckled at that, Yamon was the only one they hadn’t been able to see of speak to since he returned to Sky Island, none of them knew if he was still alive or not but if he was… they had just unleashed their nephew loose on his home island, a small hurricane that was so much like their Captain but without Rayleigh holding a leash so to speak.

It wasn’t till later, perhaps a few days that everyone received a call. Their eyes widening as they took in their brother’s face for the first time in decades. Yamon looked no different than he had since they last saw him, yet unsurprisingly he sported the same half haunted look that those that had encountered Luffy did once he’d left.

Nice to see you’re all still alive.’ Yamon said his tone was just as bland as they could all remember. ‘ But could someone tell me who unleashed a red haired mini-Captain onto the seas? And why in Davy Jones’ green locker didn’t you lot keep him in the blue sea?’

‘Oh so you met my son?’ Shanks asked with a wide grin.

‘It's good to see you again brother!’ Gaban laughed with a wide grin. ‘ I take it that Luffy is the reason you were able to finally call us?’

He kicked the ass of the wannabe god that’s been controlling the island for the last few years. Without interference from that damned Devil fruit ability my snail could finally make a connection again.’ Yamon deadpanned. ‘ It was beautiful to watch that long lobed lightning lint licker get what was comin to im.’

‘Dahahaha that’s my Anchor!’ Shanks laughed with a wide grin.

Yamon hummed and nodded. ‘ Skypiea is ours again, a little more scorched than we expected but free… My people haven’t heard the bell ring since Roger, and yet… the sound was just as beautiful as that day. Though it would have been good to speak with him more, unfortunately they fled before my people could give them gifts. This DenDen was resting in my home when I returned.’

“His ship? Did it make it to the top?” Don asked carefully because he and his brother knew what a beating that trip would take.

‘It did, but I suspect you will be seeing Luffy very soon. Their ship will not last much longer, no matter how much She wishes to keep going.’ Yamon replied, ‘She’s a strong little thing and so very well loved but… she’s on her last legs. Little things like her just weren’t built for the Line.’

“That’s what we thought. Mugren and I are ready, we have the supplies and the Adams Wood on order.” Don stated with a laugh, all they had to do was wait for their nephew and get his input. “We will keep you all informed when the kid gets here, perhaps even get him on the call so you can see him again Red.”

“He’ll be fine.” Mugren replied as he took note of Red’s worry… little did he know how much of an omen those words were.

It was the next call that proved that those words were indeed an omen. Everyone had rushed on besides a few to see Momora staring blankly at the screen, hair dishevelled, hat missing and mouth slack. No matter how many people tried to get his attention Momora could only open and close his mouth in disbelief… what had caused their very rarely silenced brother to be this way.

MOMORA!’ Rayleigh’s voice cracked across the line with the familiar bite of an order rolled into one snapping their spymaster out of his daze. ‘ What has happened?’

‘Luffy… Little Red… he…’ Momora gasped out, staring at the screen that had Mugren and Don who looked just as shell shocked.

Shanks and Beckman jerked forward, eyes panicked. ‘ What has happened to Anchor? Is he alright? Do we need to go to where he is? Uncle, what has happened to our son!?’

‘He… He broke Ennis Lobby.’ Momora stated breathlessly.

He took down CP9… Red… Your son is a monster … He did it with SIX people, Red, and a handful of others later to save one crewmate.’ Momora informed, still just as breathless as he read over the reports. ‘ Single-handedly took out over 200 marines by himself with just his fists .’

Don let out a giggle, nearly hysterical. “He didn’t even use his haki… He did this… without Haki. I went with them on the train because nephew and… Red… That kid… He and his first mate split the Aqua Laguna with fists and a blade. His first mate doesn’t even know haki either.

“We all knew he was goin’ t’be different, Capt’n chose him as his successor for a reason.” Mugren continued on as he stared blankly at the floor. “But this was not what I expected either.”

‘What? HE DID WHAT!?’ Shanks choked out, Beckman immediately thumping his back as he coughed and spluttered.

“Look, Little Red is safe, insane, but safe and has acquired a shipwright though Cutty Flam doesn’t know it yet…” Don sighed and grimaced as the cut along his brow pulled. “Garp is on his way, that’s going to be an experience.”

Well then, it seems I will be the next one to meet him if he sails onwards.’ Gallant chuckled with a wicked grin. ‘ I have yet to see Little Red. I’ll test the crew then.’

Rayleigh began to laugh softly as Red whined, the slew of curses and grumbles of his brothers filling the line as everyone began to talk over one another. It had been years since he had seen Luffy, but he knew that the brat will come to Sabaody, they always did. His laugh grew louder silencing everyone as his mirth grew.

Pops?’ Shanks asked slowly, concerned, he hadn’t heard that laugh in a very long time.

Rayleigh wiped the tears from his eyes with a wide grin and raised the small flask in his hand. ‘ To Luffy, for finally bringing the storms back to the seas! I can’t wait to see what he does to the New World, the old dogs won't know what hit them.’

Chuckles rang out at that, all of them immediately following the toast. “To Luffy.”

Ripple Effect - Chapter 9 - Islenthatur (2025)


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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Author information

Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.